21 February 2012

It's nerdy physics time!

Imagine collision for this thing. From scratch. Because you're too lazy to figure out how to make it work in PhysX or Havok. I've been having nightmares of bloodthirsty teddy bears from hell because of this!

On the plus side - there's quite some progress with the game's concept.

06 February 2012

Adding detail

Okay, we have something that resembles textures now. So I started to work on the generation code for plants. Or something similar. Whatever it is, it's supposed to grow so it needs a functional structure. So far, I've come up with a layout involving a core and something resembling huge deformed mushrooms growing from it.

Now, some polish on the shaders and textures could be nice, but I think it's going in the right direction. Hopefully, I'll finish the generator settings by the time Anry will have time to move area loading into a separate thread.

01 February 2012


Somehow, I've managed to get the locations loading properly and decided that we need new textures as the old ones were kinda made in MS paint.

Looks... weird. But I like it.