01 November 2011

The first sound from the Shquarkz space

     Today I had spent some time with sound editors and created some sort of test example of the melody for the game. At the moment it's unfinished test version with cyclic melody with length about 4 minutes.

28 October 2011


      While Anry is doing some Direct3D stuff and digging around in binary files, I decided to make some graphics for testing purposes. The asteroid generation algorithm seems to be working well, so I added some shaders and textures to see how it handles different block types. It lags, looks like hell, but, hey, it works! We got some green slimy things, a bunch of eye-thingys and... well... something else. I have no idea what it is. Yet.

      Ok... So now I have to make an entire universe of this...

What we had some time ago

      We slightly changed the name of the game. Now it is called the "Shquarkz: Meatrified!" and I had designed the first version of it's logo. I have some time at the moment to tell you a little about the development history and show some related screenshots.

Shquarkz: Meatrified logo.

"Mad as a weasel" Jod

     Being tired of mainstream games of the 21st century not being so good(understatement, really), Jod has ventured into the obscure world of game modding and indie games, searching for what he can do on the matter.

     Gone through 4 years of modding The Elder Scrolls, I've got a taste of what it actually takes to finish a project, got extensive testing experience, and gone quite mad. What else does one really need to be a game developer? I guess I'll find out one way or the other, as I got this crazy idea of making a game from duct tape, C++ and voices that haunt me in public transport.

25 September 2011

"Savage Angel" Anry Narleyn

     Time runs fast and life passes through bringing new thoughts and changing views. Something that was interesting some time ago became forgotten. The mind craves for new ideas, realized in games, but there are really not so much places where they can be found. It's pity. Another year and other "new" games are out - new graphics, physics, some realism. But there are no new ideas in all these shooters, RPGs and RTS and I'm asking myself the same question - are they all really new? I'm getting a demo of certain new game, installing it onto my computer, trying to play and I'm getting bored in few hours. Time after time the story is the same.

     Not so long ago I saw some great games. Quite simple, without these overdone graphic effects and animations, quests and pre-scribed storylines. Their inner systems allow player to create his own worlds and his own stories, bounded only by his imagination and certain laws. One of them allow player to create something great, others also allows communications between multiple players, offering imposible and unique stories each time when player starts new game. Playing such games is not boring for me, and while I'm playing such games I'm thinking about what can I create. These thoughts are accumulating in my mind, are maturing and becoming finished conceptions.

     It impels me to create something new by my own hands and my own mind. So it was great for me to have Jod as my partner, because when we have first told our ideas to each other, we have saw that we have similar view of games, and we decided to realize our ideas learning, thinking and walking among this road. Let us see what we will achieve.

     Below you can read some information on my game developing background if someone interested.