13 July 2012

Introducing the Ninja

Hey guys, time for my new post has come. I'm done with all exams I had this half of year, so I was working on the new engine's design for some time. The new engine was given the code name of Ninja. We decided that its main features must be support of cross-platform and multithreading technologies and also it must be modular. The engine's core is be combined from several manager objects. Each manager represents definite system that do its own work. Some of them are: platform manager (platform-related functionality), task manager (multithreading and work tasks), system manager (handles external systems' modules, which will do all the gameplay work - rendering, sounding, physics, AI, etc.). BOOST and SPARSEHASH help a lot with memory and objects management. I made about 1/3 of the planned work to make a limited but working alpha. Stay tuned for more news.